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Herdenk Clara Blog-Wertheim

Clara Blog-Wertheim

Amsterdam, – Auschwitz,

Reached the age of 42 years



About Clara Blog-Wertheim

Clara Wertheim was a daughter of Jonas Wertheim and Rebecka Levij. She was married in Amsterdam on 12 April 1923 to Zacharias Blog, son of Gabriel Blog and Elisabeth de Korte. Clara was his 3rd spouse.
From the first marriage of her husband five children have been born, who all have survived the war. From the 2nd marriage of Zacharias, no children were born but Clara and Zacharias had again four c…

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Sylvia Belinfante-Abdelsalam

Clara is my grandmother on my mom's side. My mom Elizabeth went hiding underground during the war and is the only one who survived from Zacharias Blog's family's 2nd marriage. She lost all of her family, married Abraham (Albert) Belinfante and moved to the US in 1952 and I was born in Paterson, NJ in 1956.
I currently live in New Jersey with my husband, Ali, children Daniel, and Alisa.
I am a teac…

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Gedeporteerde patiënten Apeldoornsche Bosch

Deze pagina is een aanvulling op de pagina De ontruiming van het Apeldoornsche Bosch

De namen die aan dit verhaal zijn gelinkt zijn de namen van personen die op de naoorlogse reconstructielijsten voorkomen, of van wie om een andere reden mag worden aangenomen dat ze op 22 januari 1943 bij de ontruiming van de Joodse psychiatrische instelling Het Apeldoornsche Bosch als patiënt van (of uit Westerbo…

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