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Herdenk Hartog Levi Frijda

Hartog Levi Frijda

Veenendaal, – Sobibor,

Reached the age of 47 years

Occupation: house servant



About Hartog Levi Frijda

Hartog Levie Frijda left Veenendaal for Utrecht in 1914. On 22 January 1943 he was taken away from the Apeldoornse Bos, were he was employed as house servant.
M. Brink and D. van Kreveld, Geschiedenis van de Joodse gemeenschap in Stichts en Gelders Veenendaal (Veenendaal 2001) 241 and the registration of Hartog Levie Frijda in the Peoples Registry of Apeldoorn.

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