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Herdenk Maurits Santen

Maurits Santen

Amsterdam, – Sobibor,

Reached the age of 26 years

Occupation: Shoemaker



About Maurits Santen

Maurits Santen was a member of the Socialisties Jeugdverbond.
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Maurits Santen worked in a cobbler's workshop in the Eerste van der Helststraat in Amsterdam. He went to Apeldoorn where he worked as a cobbler in Het Apeldoornse Bos. When the institute was emptied, he managed to escape to Amsterdam. He was caught while escaping from Amsterdam to a hiding place in …

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Aanhouding Maurits Santen

Maurits Santen wordt op 14-4-1943 om 11.45 uur ingesloten in het politiebureau te Zwolle. Hij is gebracht door Unterstürmführer Enkelstroth. Op 16-4-1943 wordt hij naar Westerbork getransporteerd. Maurits heeft bij arrestatie f. 699,40 in bezit.

Bron: Historisch Centrum Overijssel, Politiearchief Zwolle, 56, nr 781.

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Barend Santen and his family

Barend Santen was married to Sientje Menko. He worked in a cobbler's workshop in the Eerste van der Helststraat in Amsterdam. Both spouses were in Westerbork in 1942. On 22 October 1942, Barend Santen from Westerbork wrote a postcard for his granddaughter's birthday:

'Dear all,
After queuing for nearly two hours to send a congratulatory telegram, it was refused as not being important. It was so a…

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