
Good old time religion

A tale of pious sisters: Bertha and Clara de Metz

Door: H Kurzbauer

In 1997, an unknown man drove by our recently purchased house and stopped to share his memories "I was born in this house during the war"....

The de Metz sisters were very, very pious.: unmarried sisters who followed Jewish religious traditions faithfully. As it is forbidden to use electricity on the Sabbath, it was customary to hire a non-Jewish person to turn lights on. The stranger told us that the de Metz sisters did not have the money to hire a person to perform this task. With great ingenuity, they trained a cat to jump up for a piece of meat attached to a string that was of course attached to a light bulb. Let there be light! The de Metz sisters were in their 70s when they were deported from their home on the Plantage Muidergracht to meet a horrible fate.