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Herdenk Andries Davids

Andries Davids

Rotterdam, – Europa,

Reached the age of 28 years



About Andries Davids

Andries Davids tried to escape to Switzerland together with his fiancé and her parents (family Mozes Richard Hakker. In the French city Nancy they were betrayed. Andries Davids was in different concentration camps and finally he was deported to Majdanek.
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Andries Davids, geb. 1916; beroep!; Chateauneuf-les-Bains, Gurs, Drancy (Fr.), Majdanek (Pl.).

Andries Davids, geb. 12.10.1916 te Rotterdam, is op 06.03.1943 met transport no. 51 vanuit het Franse doorgangskamp Drancy eerst naar/ richting Majdanek gedeporteerd.

Als beroep gaf hij op chauffeur/technicus te zijn. (Dat is iets anders dan op deze pagina).

Zijn naam komt voor op een lijst met namen van gevangenen in kamp Gurs, onder no. 148.

Kamp Gurs lag dichtbij de Frans-Spaanse grens.

In onde…

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Louis Meyer and his family

These persons are listed as residing at the same address. The source does not provide information about how they were related to one another.

We have been unable to determine whether one or more members of this family survived the war. While their names do not appear on the lists of survivors, we have not been able to trace them in In Memoriam either. They are therefore labeled as 'surviving' an…

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Address & residents
