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Herdenk Therese Wolf-Levor

Therese Wolf-Levor

Barchfeld, – Sobibor,

Reached the age of 70 years



About Therese Wolf-Levor

Therese Levor was a daughter of Moses and Jetta Levor. She came from a family of eight children. Five of them died before the war. She was married to Anselm Wolf. He died in 1922. They had three children. Hildegard Kohlmann-Wolf was her daughter. A son died before the war. Another child survived the war by moving to the United States in 1940 from Amsterdam. Therese emigrated in 1936 from Germany t…

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Therese Wolf-Levor

Therese Wolf-Levor was my great-grandmother (my grandmother's mother). She was one of eight children. Her siblings Ida, Ferdinand and Josef all died before the war. Her siblings Karl (my grandfather, died 1966 in NYC), Selma (died 1953 in NYC) and Julius (died 1960 in Israel) all escaped Europe and survived the war. Therese (28 May 1943) and her sister Matilde were murdered in the Shoah (both at S…

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Therese Wolf-Levor

In about 1936, seeing the gathering storm in Germany, Karl Lefor (my grandfather) who was living in Amsterdam (and had a Dutch passport) supported the emigration of Therese Wolf-Levor (his sister) as well as other family members (including Therese's daughter Hildegard with her husband Fritz and their daughter Irmgard) to Amsterdam in order to escape Germany after the institution of the Nuremburg l…

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This stolperstein is in front of the house where Therese Levor-Wolf lived in Barchfeld (Germany) and raised her 3 children. The address is Hotzelgasse 1, Barchfeld.

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