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Herdenk Eva Hirsch

Eva Hirsch

Mülheim a/d Ruhr, – Auschwitz,

Reached the age of 17 years



About Eva Hirsch

Eva Hirsch fled from Germany to Amsterdam on 7 December 1938. She stayed with the Palestine Pioneers at various locations, including Ruinen, Soest and Rotterdam. She was a ward from 29 November 1939 until 15 January 1940 at the youth aliyah home in Loosdrecht, the Paviljoen Loosdrechtse Rade. From there she moved to The Hague.
F. van der Straaten, Om nooit te vergeten. Herinneringen en belevenisse…

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Eva and Helene Hirsch

Eva and Helene's parents were Henriette Markuse, born January 3rd, 1882 in Löbau and Julius, born on February 10th, 1876 in Mülheim. Both of them were taken to Terezin on July 21st, 1942, from there on different dates to Auschwitz (Gedenkbuch).
Source: National Archives, 2.04.58, inv. 130 and others

Another source for more information…

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Marcus and his family

We have been unable to determine whether one or more members of this family survived the war. While their names do not appear on the lists of survivors, we have not been able to trace them in In Memoriam either. They are therefore labeled as 'surviving' and their names are not listed.

In addition, a Jokos file (number 5872) on this family is at the Amsterdam Municipal Archive. Access is subject …

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Helene Wilhelmine en Eva Hirsch

In het Spaarbankbosch tussen Pesse en Hoogeveen ligt bungalowpark De Santbrincke. Vanaf 1924 stond hier kinderherstellingsoord het Noorderhuis dat in 1984 geheel door brand werd verwoest. In 1939 werd het Noorderhuis korte tijd een opvanghuis voor uit Duitsland gevluchte Joodse kinderen. Nederland nam na de Kristallnacht ongeveer 2000 Joodse kinderen uit Duitsland als vluchteling op. Zij werden ve…

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Meer over Eva Hirsch bij de Westerborkportretten

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