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Herdenk Leonie Rabl-Fraenkel

Leonie Rabl-Fraenkel

Berlijn, – Auschwitz,

Reached the age of 61 years

Occupation: Cafe owner



About Leonie Rabl-Fraenkel

Leonie Fraenkel (also known as Lony) was married to dr. Ludwig Rabl from Carlsbad, Austria (now known as Karlovy Vary in the Czech Republic). The couple had two children. Leonie Rabl-Fraenkel ran a cafe in Amsterdam.
Ludwig Rabl died in 1926.
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A Liro card exists for this person or family. The original cards are kept at the Nationaal Archief (National Archive) a…

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Leonie Rabl-Fraenkel

Leonie Rabl-Fraenkel was eigenaresse van het bridge-café De Paris op de hoek van de Beethovenstraat en de Corellistraat in Amsterdam. Het café bleef open tot augustus 1943, toen Leonie werd gedeporteerd. De nieuwe Duitse eigenaar veranderde de naam toen in Le Chevalier d'Or.

Bron: 'Vogelvrij. De jacht op de joodse onderduiker', Sytze van der Zee, Amsterdam 2010.

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Lony’s Love Wartime letters to a grandson

Lony’s Love

Wartime letters to a grandson

 After 75 years he read his granny’s letters to him

 During the war Lony Rabl-Fraenkel, the Jewish owner of the Café de Paris in the Beethovenstraat, wrote letters to her newborn grandson Peter Lobbenberg in England. She yearned achingly for him, but couldn’t visit him. He read the letters for the first time eighteen months ago, over 75 years later. “Words…

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