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Herdenk Mina Schuitevoerder

Mina Schuitevoerder

Amsterdam, – Sobibor,

Reached the age of 50 years



About Mina Schuitevoerder

Mina Schuitevoerder was a daughter of Marcus Schuitevoerder and Saartje Wegloop. She was unmarried.
Her siblings, who also have been killed during the Holocaust were Hartog, Louis, Rebecca and Lea.
Her brothers Salomon and Jacob have passed away before the war and her sister Marianne might have surivived the Holocaust.
City Archive of Amsterdam, archive card of Marcus Schuitevoerder and Mina Schu…

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Mina Schuitevoerder

Mina is een dochter van Marcus Schuitevoerder en Saartje Wegloop. Ze was niet gehuwd.

Tot 1940 woonde ze in de tweede Boerhaavestraat 18 II. Daar heeft ze langer dan 10 jaar gewoond.

Bron SAA archiefkaart Mina Schuitevoerder 25-7-1892

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Address & residents


Other family members

No other family known (yet)