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Herdenk Liesbeth Prins

Liesbeth Prins

Amsterdam, – Auschwitz,

Reached the age of 5 years



Nico Prins and his family

Nico Prins had gone into hiding with his wife Suze Kogel and four others in the Valeriusstraat in Amsterdam, namely Lodewijk Jack Gompertz, his grandmother Kaatje Gompertz-Goudsmit, Saliena Vos and Heinz Alex Schulenklopper. They were given up to the police and were picked up on 22 September 1943 by members of the Kolonne Henneicke.
A. van Liempt, Kopgeld. Nederlandse premiejagers op zoek naar jod…

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Liesbeth Prins

Een vriendinnetje van Liesbeth ‘Liesje’ Prins werd in 1943 gefotografeerd door fotografe Annemie Wolff. Meer over Liesje Prins is te lezen in onderstaand boek.
Tamara Becker en An Huitzing, Op de foto in oorlogstijd: Studio Wolff, 1943 (Eindhoven 2017) 84.

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Dagboek over Liesbeth Prins geschreven door haar moeder Suze

Liesje (Liesbeth) Prins was born in Amsterdam on 25 December 1937 to Suze and Nico Prins. Shortly after, her mother began writing a diary (in Dutch) in an exercise book. By May 1939 she had already filled one book, and began another. The diaries document Liesje’s development from birth until 1942 when the diary abruptly ends. They reveal the depth of a mother’s love and joy at her growing child, a…

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De onderduik van Liesje Prins

Over de onderduikgeschiedenis van de 5-jarige Liesbeth Prins (roepnaam Liesje) uit Amsterdam is op 4 mei 2023 een boek verschenen. Historicus Jan de Roos vertelt daarin hoe Liesje via Bussum (waar zij verbleef bij Lena/Nora Visser-Furth en haar man Han) terechtkwam in Haarlem, waar muzieklerares Lyda Reijer en haar ouders haar liefdevol verzorgden. Liesje verbleef ook een tijdje in Tilburg bij een…

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English edition of Lyda & Liesje

Dutch historian, Jan de Roos wrote a haunting story of an attempted rescue of 5 year old Liesbeth Prins during the Holocaust. It is the English version of a book originally written and published in Dutch. This new revised and extended edition was published on Nov 17th 2024 in Australia by the Sydney Jewish Museum.
The true nature of both the saviours and persecutors of Jews in wartime Holland is r…

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Address & residents


Other family members

No other family known (yet)