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Herdenk Sophia Kesner

Sophia Kesner

Amsterdam, – Auschwitz,

Reached the age of 11 years



Inventaris kaart Kamp Westerbork van Sophia Kesner geboren 03-01-1931 op transport naar Auschwitz op 14-08-1942.

Bron: Aanvullende informatie van International Tracing Service ITS Bad Arolsen, Duitsland bij de ontvangst van een kopie van de inventaris kaart van Kamp Westerbork van Sophia Kesner.

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Willem Kesner and his family

A Liro card exists for this person or family. The original cards are kept at the Nationaal Archief (National Archive) at The Hague.

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Address & residents


Other family members

No other family known (yet)