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Herdenk Zeno Paul Polak

Zeno Paul Polak

Amsterdam, – Auschwitz,

Reached the age of 56 years

Occupation: Chemist



About Zeno Paul Polak

Zeno Paul Polak was a chemist. He worked for the Shell laboratory, which was located at the IJ in Amsterdam, until he was fired from his job in 1941.
Zeno Paul Polak was married to a non-Jewish woman. The couple had three children. In 1942 they split up. Zeno Paul Polak moved to another address in Hilversum. Later he was forced, by the occupying forces to move to Amsterdam.
Addition of a visitor …

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Zeno Paul Polak

Promotie tot doctor aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam

Zeno Paul Polak studeerde van 1906 tot 1914 scheikunde aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam. Hij promoveerde op 18 december 1914 tot doctor in de wis- en natuurkunde op het proefschrift "Onderzoekingen over sulphas chinini".

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arolsen archiefkaart

Arolsen: Hij komt op 9-6-1944 aan in Westerbork. Hij wordt eerst geplaatst in strafbarak 67, later barak 66. Op 3-9-1944 gaat hij als s-geval op transport. Hij is volgens Frans Henri Cohen (Hofwijckstraat) op 26-2-1945 in Auschwitz aan uitputting overleden.

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Address & residents


Other family members

No other family known (yet)