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Herdenk Louis August Dickhoff

Louis August Dickhoff

Amsterdam, – Auschwitz,

Reached the age of 58 years

Occupation: Sales representative


About Louis August Dickhoff

This person is mentioned in a CABR document of the Dutch Nationaal Archief. The CABR contains detailed information concerning this person’s arrest, inv. nr CABR 64326.

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Louis August Dickhoff and his family

We have been unable to determine whether one or more members of this family survived the war. While their names do not appear on the lists of survivors, we have not been able to trace them in In Memoriam either. They are therefore labeled as 'surviving' and their names are not listed.

In addition, a Jokos file (number 35461) on this family is at the Amsterdam Municipal Archive. Access is subject…

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Address & residents
