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Herdenk Rijntje Brandel-Stad

Rijntje Brandel-Stad

Rotterdam, – Auschwitz,

Reached the age of 72 years


About Rijntje Brandel-Stad

Rijntje Stad was the widow of Joseph Brandel (1858-1938). Joseph was a salesman in draperies. The couple had four children: Eliazer, Meijer, Rosetta and one child that survived the war. When her appartment on the Aert van Nesstraat was destroyed by the Rotterdam bombing in May 1940, she moved in with her daughter's family. Her granddauhter Francina Roza van Trommel, who lived with her, did not sur…

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Brandel-Stad and her family

Francina Roza van Trommel lived at this address along with her grandmother Rijntje Brandel-Stad, her mother and her mother's second husband. Francina's parents had been divorced since 1913.
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