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Herdenk Rijntje Verheem-IJer

Rijntje Verheem-IJer

Rotterdam, – Auschwitz,

Reached the age of 34 years

Occupation: Shop assistant


About Rijntje IJer

Rijntje IJer, shop assistant, was a daughter of Abraham IJer and Kaatje Stad. The 1st of May 1929 she married in Rotterdam the roman catholic Leonardus Stephanus Verheem, a son of Stephanus Johannes Verheem and Johanna Francisca Vijftigschild. As far as has been researched, this couple had no children.

After her marriage, Rijntje and her husband left Rotterdam for Den Haag, where they resided til…

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Deze persoon/dit gezin had een levensverzekering die mogelijk nog uitkeerbaar is.

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No other family known (yet)