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Herdenk Sara Lichtenholz-Hegett

Sara Lichtenholz-Hegett

Boryslaw, – Sobibor,

Reached the age of 55 years


About Sara Lichtenholz-Hegett and her children Hedel, Milly, Mendel and Cornelia Maria.

Sara Hegett was the spouse of Salomon Josel Lichtenholz, a son of Mendel Lichtenholz and Sosje Lichtenholz. 24 October 1918 she arrived with her husband Salomon Lichtenholz and daughters Hedel (1913) and Millie (1916) from London in Rotterdam, where they have lived in at Schiedamsedijk 92b till the moment they moved medio 1924 to Witte de Withstraat 33a and per 2 August 1935 to nr. 57b. Meantime, …

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volgens Stadsarchief Rotterdam

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"Hegett" en heet dus 

"Sara Lichtenholz-Hegett"

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