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Herdenk Aäron Neuburger

Aäron Neuburger

Amsterdam, – Sobibor,

Reached the age of 68 years



About Aäron Neuburger

Aäron Neuburger was a widower. His wife, Betje Pool (b. 1875), had died in 1938. She is buried in Muiderberg. Aäron and Betje had four children, three of whom survived the war. Their son Mozes Neuburger was killed, along with his wife and two young daughters. As a young man, Aäron is said to have studied at the Nederlands Israelitisch Seminarium, but family life and the rising socialist movement t…

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In het huis Vrolikstraat 271- Hs., woonde Joseph Neuburger, Aäron woonde op nr. 81- Hs.,

Volgens het Gemeentearchief was zijn woonadres op 03-11-1942 Zwanenburgwal 34- Hs.

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