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Herdenk Sofia Luza-van der Wijk

Sofia Luza-van der Wijk

Hoogeveen, – Sobibor,

Reached the age of 79 years


About Sofia Luza-van der Wijk

Sofia van der Wijk was a daughter of Anthonie van der Wijk and Roosje Godfried. She married 15 August 1894 in Hoogeveen, age 30, to Aron Simon Aronius, age 31, born in Zwartsluis, a son of Simon Aron Aronius and Sara van Cleef.
However, on 16 November 1935 Simon Aron Aronius passed away and Sofia van der Wijk remarried on 15 February 1939 in Amsterdam to the widower of Eva Berkhof, Salomon Luza, a…

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Salomon Luza and his family

In addition, a Jokos file (number 31121) on this family is at the Amsterdam Municipal Archive. Access is subject to authorization from the Stichting Joods Maatschappelijk Werk.The Jokos file reveals that a claim was lodged for compensation for valuables surrendered to the Lippmann-Rosenthal looting bank (L-claim, number 7880/20991).

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Address & residents
