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Herdenk Jozef Elkan Wijnberg

Jozef Elkan Wijnberg

Groningen, – Polen,

Reached the age of 20 years

Occupation: Apprentice textile worker



About Jozef Elkan Wijnberg.

The only son of Eliazer Wijnberg and Roza van Polen was Jozef Elkan Wijnberg, who was born in Groningen on October 17, 1923. He lived with his parents at Mesdagstraat 60 and 69 but moved with them on February 12, 1940, when he was 17 years old,  to Niersstraat 18, 2nd floor in Amsterdam.

Jozef Elkan Wijnberg had a 3-year MULO education and worked as a warehouse and office clerk and an apprentice t…

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Eliazer Wijnberg and his family

In addition, a Jokos file (number 36002) on this family is at the Amsterdam Municipal Archive. Access is subject to authorization from the Stichting Joods Maatschappelijk Werk.The Jokos file reveals that a claim was lodged for compensation for valuables surrendered to the Lippmann-Rosenthal looting bank (L-claim, number 13350/12197).

A Liro card exists for this person or family. The original card…

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More about the Warsaw-conclusions (I)

General conclusion on the death of men sent from Auschwitz to Warsaw.

A following general conclusion, which can be drawn in advance, concerns the men who were transferred from Auschwitz to the destroyed ghetto in Warsaw in 1943 to carry out rubbish clearance work.

In this respect, reference can mainly be made to what has already been stated about this category on pages 123-125 of the Auschwitz VI …

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More about the transport of 19 October 1943 from Westerbork -> Auschwitz.

GENERAL REMARKS regarding deportation transports to Auschwitz in 1943

The period from 24 August to 16 November 1943, during which 8 transports left directly for Auschwitz, namely: 7 from Westerbork and 1 from Vught can simply be called "Autumn transports 1943".

The Autumn transports of 1943

Of the 8 deportation transports that left the Netherlands during this period, some suffered a similar fate. …

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More about the Warsaw conclusions (II)

Due to the lack of official documents from this complex, the names of the prisoners who belonged to one of the transports mentioned under A, can only be determined through statements from returnees.  She, that KL. However, those who reached DACHAU alive (see sub C) were registered upon arrival.


Departure      Camp      Arrival           Camp       prisoners number series


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Other family members

No other family known (yet)