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Herdenk Cornelia Alida Staal-de Bruin

Cornelia Alida Staal-de Bruin

Avereest, – Auschwitz,

Reached the age of 33 years



About Cornelia Alida Staal-de Bruin and her family.

Cornelia Alida de Bruin, usually known as Corrie, was the eldest daughter of the butcher Simon de Bruin and Hester Ligtenstein in Dedemsvaart, municipality of Avereest. She had an older brother Izaak Meijer and two sisters, Alida Paulina and Eva. They were all killed during the Holocaust.

In June 1928 Corrie de Bruin left Avereest for Amsterdam, were she provided for herself as day servant maid. S…

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Deze persoon/dit gezin had een levensverzekering die mogelijk nog uitkeerbaar is.

Meer informatie daarover vindt u op de internetpagina van de Stichting Individuele Verzekeringsaanspraken Sjoa:

Onder het kopje 'Polissen' vindt u de lijst met mogelijk nog uitkeerbare polissen en onder het kopje 'Algemene Informatie' het aanvraagformulier.

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Jacob Staal and his family

In addition, a Jokos file (number 11330) on this family is at the Amsterdam Municipal Archive. Access is subject to authorization from the Stichting Joods Maatschappelijk Werk.

According to a list with shops of Jewish owners, compiled by the Amsterdam police in 1940, this family had a cigar- and stamps shop, address: Staalstraat 13 in Amsterdam.
Abstracts of the police archives which are currentl…

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Address & residents


Other family members

No other family known (yet)