Contribute to Arthur Heidemann

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Herdenk Arthur Heidemann

Arthur Heidemann

Berlijn, – Auschwitz,

Reached the age of 51 years

Occupation: Market vendor



Berlin Emigrant

Arthur lived at Windscheidstr. 9 in Berlin Charlottenburg prior to emigrating to Amsterdam on 14.08.1933. He was in a previous marriage with Frieda Gertrud Cohn, with whom he had two children, Selma Martha Heidemann (born 07.04.1915 in Berlin) and Hermann Georg Heidemann (Born 12.10.1917 in Berlin). (Amsterdam City Archive Card, Jewish Addressbook Berlin 1931)

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Re: Berlin Emigrant

Arthur lived at Windscheidstr. 9 in Berlin Charlottenburg prior to emigrating to Amsterdam on 14.08.1933. In Berlin, he was married to Emma Josephine Bauke, with whom he had two children, Selma Martha Heidemann (born 07.04.1915 in Berlin) and Hermann Georg Heidemann (Born 12.10.1917 in Berlin). (Amsterdam City Archive Card, Jewish Addressbook Berlin 1931) After migrating to Amsterdam in 1…

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Re: Hermann & Selma Heidemann

Selma and Hermann Heidemann were children of Emma Bauke (Heidemann), Arthur Heidemann's first wife, who died on February 6th 1924. Frieda Gertrud Cohn was his second wife, whom he married after the death of Emma.

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Markt voor Joden 1941 - 1943: Gaaspstraat

Deze informatie staat alleen bij de 453 mannen en vrouwen die stonden op de Joodse markt(of een aanvraag hebben gedaan om daar te mogen staan). 

Verdere informatie volgt.

Markt voor Joden

 Hierboven de aanvraagkaart van 30 oktober 1941 voor een plek op de Gaasptraat. 


 De politieagent die bij de entree stond om ervoor te zorgen dat er alleen Joden op het terrein kwamen.

 Er zijn geen foto's b…

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Address & residents
