
More about the transport of 30 October 1942 from Westerbork

The transport, of which among others Marcus Boas and his son Ludovicus Boas were part of.

The transport of 30 October 1942 from Westerbork is, just like some previous transports, a not very surveyable transport. It consisted of 659 deportees, of which 200 "fit for work" boys and men between 15 and 50 years old were forced to leave the train at a stopover in Cosel to be used as forced laborers in the surrounding labor camps.

From Cosel all went to St. Annaberg and from there either early November 1942 to Sakrau, or mid-November 1942 to Gleiwitz or in January 1943 to Niederkirch. In Sakrau approximately the same breakdowns took place as, for example, the transport of 23 October 1942. 

In addition, a transport went to Königshütte in mid-November and in January 1943 via Johannsdorf to the Gross Rosen resort (some ended up in Blechhammer). Another part left at the end of 1942 via Gogolin for Blechhammer. 

The group, which went to Niederkirch, ended up in Seibersdorf ±February 1943 and in March 1943 in Blechhammer (except for a few, who went to Ottmuth and probably only reached Blechhammer in May 1944, and some others, who were transferred to Bunzlau, ressort Gross Rosen).

At the end of March 1943, the Gleiwitz group (which, incidentally, largely consisted of deportees from the transport of 2 November 1942), was sent on to Blechhammer, with the exception of a few. Finally, from Blechhammer, some of the present transport were also taken to Bismarckhütte. 

The men who disembarked in Cosel must, unless it appears otherwise, and with due observance of the general conclusions drawn, be deemed to have died at the time and place as stated in the following overview below: 

From the transport of 30 October 1942: after 2 November 1942, but no later than 31 March 1944 in one of the labor camps in Silesia

Source: Publication by the Dutch Red Cross from October 1952, “Auschwitz volume III, the deportation transport in the so-called Cosel-period from 28 August till 12 December 1942/ transport 30 October 1942 – pages 12 nr. 6 and on; page 18-19; page 25-26; page 50 -51 and appendix III/transport 30 October 1942.


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