Diamonds, comprising both the ornamental diamonds used as ’currency‘ and industrial diamonds, were extremely important in the German war effort. The Reichskommissariat was therefore directly in charge of the diamond industry.
Problems arose when the deportations started in July 1942, and this largely Jewish occupational group was in danger of being taken away. Accordingly, a list was made of 500 diamond workers and 300 entrepreneurs who were to be granted provisional exemptions from deportation. This list was compiled with help from the Bedrijfsgroep Edelmetaal en Diamant [industrial confederation for precious metals and diamonds], which was formed in 1941 after the ANDB was disbanded. Five hundred forty-five Jewish diamond workers entered data on registration forms about themselves, their spouses and children under 16 still living with them, amounting to 1,230 persons altogether. Three passport photos were to be attached for each person listed on the form. These registration forms and many of the passport photographs have been preserved in the ANDB archive at the IISH.
Diamond Workers' Registration Forms
Over 500 Jewish diamond workers completed these forms in July 1942 to register for a provisional exemption from deportation.