
Widow Fanny Mühlrad-Rosenzweig and her family

Fanny Mühlrad-Rosenzweig was the mother of Max and Lottie Mühlrad. In May 1940 their house in Rotterdam was bombed and they went to Delft where they stayed.
M.M. van Lunteren-Spanjaard; J. Wijnberg-Stroz, Blijvers en Voorbijgangers. Joden in Delft 1850-1960. (Kampen 1998), 154

The Delft police commissioner requested on behalf of the Sicherheitspolizei in The Hague that Max Mühlrad, an office clerk, and his wife Diny Mühlrad-Solmanovits, both residing in Delft, be located, detained and brought to trial. They were suspected of having changed their place of residence without obtaining the required authorization. This description referred to Jews who had gone into hiding.
Algemeen Politieblad nr 38, 24 September 1942, 1087, notice 2061