
Asser de Haan and his family

On 14 May 1940 the De Haan family fled to Southern France. After the capitulation of France on 22 June 1940, the family repatriated to Antwerp. On 24 March 1941 they were unsubscribed from the Peoples Registry Lange van Ruusbroeckstraat 88 in Antwerp to Plantage Kerklaan 14 in Amsterdam. During a raid on 20 June 1943 the family was arrested and sent to Westerbork. Because the head of the family, Asser de Haan was a diamond merchant, they were exempted from deportation. Two children from the family were married in Westerbork and due to that they were not deported and were liberated in Westerbork. The parents and  daughter Evelina were put on transport to the East. Asser de Haan and Evalina have lost their lives. His wife and two children survived the war.

Addition of a visitor of the website, dossier of foreigners of Antwerp no. 168681-image 322 and the file cabinet of the Jewisch Council.