Sara Selma Hertogs-de Winter

Veghel, – Tel Aviv,

Reached the age of 94 years



Hugo Hertogs and his family

Hugo Hertogs and his spouse went into hiding in the house of the mayor of Hoogwoud in Aartswoud. In Juli 1944 the hiding place was discovered and the couple deported.
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Hugo Hartogs and his wife were held in the penal barrack in Westerbork. On handing over their jewellery and diamonds of very high value, they were released from the penal barrack. Hugo Hartogs di…

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Sara Selma Hertogs-de Winter

Selma de Winter is in 1933 getrouwd met handelsreiziger Hugo Hertogs (28-10-1904 Gulpen). Ze hadden twee dochters: Hanny (Hanna Flora (Hanny) Hertogs, 6-7-1935) en Flory (Flora Selma (Flory) Hertogs, 26-4-1940). Flory was gehandicapt en woonde in een tehuis, waar ze in 1950 op negenjarige leeftijd overleed. In februari 1941 woonde het gezin aan de Vechtstraat 59-I te Amsterdam.

Selma en Hugo arriv…

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