
About Elisabeth de Vries-Gompers

Elisabeth de Vries-Gompers, was brought in the Hollandsche Schouwburg in 1942 and had there a cerebral infarction, after which she was unilaterally paralyzed and had no speech anymore. She had to leave the Schouwburg and brought her to her sister Grietje Gompers, spouse of Alexander Lesgever, who lived at Jodenbreestraat 75 in Amsterdam.

Doctor Dasberg has arranged for her to be admitted in a nursing home that was located at Kloveniersburgwal, close to Nieuwmarkt. Her was granted the same fate as her son-in-law Harry Bakker, who had also a cerebral infarction at the Hollandsche Schouwburg. He too stayed six months at the address Jodenbreestraat 75.


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