
More about the transport of 28 September 1942, Westerbork-> Auschwitz.

Directly, without a stopover in Cosel.

The direct transport of 28 September 1942.

Very little is known about this transport. There are no repatriates, while in the administration of Auschwitz not even matricule numbers could be indicated, of which it could be established with certainty that they belonged to deportees with this transport.

Dates of death are also not known with certainty. That a selection for employment nevertheless took place is evident from the fact that a letter was received here in this country on 14 December 1942 from one of the men. This man was 37 years old.

Furthermore, it could be deduced from data about transports that arrived in Auschwitz that the matricule series, which must have been given to a transport from the Netherlands registered between the transports from abroad (Poland, France and Belgium) at the end of September/beginning of October, cannot be large. and comprised at most 60 to 70 men.

Since the number of men in the age group of 15-40 years of the transport of 28-9-42 now amounts to 64, it must be assumed that the age limit of those employed in this transport was also not higher than 15-40 years.

The ultimate date of death of those employed, about whom nothing is known individually, must also be assumed on the basis of the fact that almost all death dates stated behind the matricule numbers from this period in the "Number of Death Book" of Auschwitz are before the end of January 1943: January 31, 1943


Appendix IV:  

Summary of the conclusions of the "Direct Auschwitz transport" of 28 September 1942:

Of the transport mentioned here (departure date from Westerbork), are deemed to have died on the day of arrival at Auschwitz, all women, as well as men who are born before 1-10-1901 and boys born after 1-10-1927.

The men born between the two mentioned dates are deemed to have died no earlier than 3 days after leaving Westerbork and no later than 31 January 1943

Source: Publication of the research of the Dutch Red Cross from October 1952, “Auschwitz III”, deportation transports in the period 28 August 1942 to 12 December 1942, pages 65, 71, 72 and appendix IV.

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