
About Rebecca Trijtel-Zomerplaag

Rebecca Zomerplaag was the daughter of Hartog Zomerplaag and Jetje Bos. She married Abraham Trijtel in London on 14 February 1915, a son of Liebman Trijtel and Schoontje Wittenburg.  On 6 August 1916, their daughter Jennie was born in London.

Rebecca has been deported from Mechelen to Auschwitz on 27 Augustus 1942 with Convoy 6 (VI) which arrived in Auschwitz on 30 August 1942 with 720 other victims, all women. In Cosel, 280 men were already forced to leave the train to be employed in labor camps. Upon arrival all women, including Rebecca Trijtel-Zomerplaag were immediately murdered in the gas chambers of Auschwitz -Birkenau werden 


Dossier of Foreigners of the City of Antwerp, nr. 166864, images 421-426, an addition of a visitor of the website and the Memorial of the Deportation of the Belgian Jews, page 589 and page 23..