
Berlin Emigrant

By: rpm_bln

Anne-Marie was a medical doctor and general practicianer in Berlin, where she worked as an assisting doctor at the Healing and Care Institution (Heil- und Pflegeanstalt) in Berlin-Wuhlheide. Her doctoral dissertation (Kasuistischer Beitrag zur Lehre von den Degenerationspsychosen) was completed at the University of Berlin in 1926. She resided at Altonaer Str. 24 (1933), Riemeister Str. 85 and Hohenzollernstr. 16 (both 1934), all in Berlin-Zehlendorf. Since she still has her maiden name in the Doctors' Sheet (Aerzteblatt) for Berlin in 1936, and her daughter Margit Lieselotte was born at the end of that year, it is to be presumed that she married Herbert Kirchheim in 1936. (Email from J. Buchin 06.10.1911. For eventual reference and about women doctors in Imperial Germany see: