
Frieda Wallach- Wallach

Mesdagstaße 55 in Den Haag 1939

Frieda Wallach, mother to Karolina Wolff-Wallach and mother in law to Hans Ferdinand Wolff lived at the above-inserted address in 1939. This is information taken from the history of Jewish inhabitants of Garmisch in Bavaria. After the so-called 'Kristallnacht' in November 1938, she was forced to leave her beautiful house the next day, lived for a short while in Munich and then followed her daughter Karolina Wolff and her family to the Netherlands. We do not know what happened to her, her grandson survived the war in Holland and emigrated in 1946 to the USA. Her daughter and her son in law were murdered in Auschwitz in 1945, exact date not known, they were deported from Westerbork.