
Gerda and Ruth Marx


Ruth and Gerda came to the Netherlands with a Kindertransport on January 4th, 1939. They came from Bochum in Germany, not from Belgium!!! First they stayed in Bergen aan Zee (Zeehuis), then to the Bondshuis in Soesterberg and the Achterklooster in Rotterdam. In July 1939 they moved in with a family in Rotterdam, Gerda went to the orphanage in Rotterdam in July 1942 and moved to Amsterdam in August. There they lived with the Wolffers family on the Plantage Kerklaan.
Their parents were Else Grünewald, born on 11.12.1901 in Bielefeld and Leo(pold) Marx born on 17.07.1895 in Linz am Rhein. They were deported to Riga from Gelsenkirchen on January 27th, 1942, where the girl's father died. The mother was deported to Stutthof in October 1944 and presumably died there.
Last address in Germany: Bochum, Kortumstr. 38
Source: National Archive, 2.04.58, inv 130 and others.

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