
Paula Daniel Sommer

Paula Daniel neé Sommer was born on the 1st of April 1876 in Kuchenheim (Germany). 1867 she married the cattle dealer Hermann Daniel in Dierdorf, where her daughter Meta was born on the 16th of October 1894. On the 28th of June 1933 the family moved from Koblenz to Goch (Germany). Meta married a local cattle dealer, Sally Frank, and they lived in Wiesenstraße 5. Hermann Daniel died in Goch in 1934. When in 1937 jewish cattle dealers were forbidden to do any business. the economic basis for the family was taken away and life in Germany became quiet hard. Sally and Meta Daniel moved to the Netherlands. Most likely Paula emigrated at the same time. Before her deportation she lived in Rjinstraat 110 III in Amsterdam. In 1941 her daughter or niece Alma Steinber-Daniel lived at the same adress with her husband Max Steinberg and her son Hans- Gunter. Information from the Thersienstadt database ( shows that she was taken from Bergen-Belsen to Theresienstadt with the Transport XXIV/3-36 where she died on the 13th of January 1945 (see death certificate -
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