
Meinhardt and Max Rechtschaffen


Meinhardt and Max came to the Netherlands on December 24th, 1938. hey stayed in the Bondshuis in Soesterberg first. Meinhardt moved in with a family in Amsterdam in October 1939, while Max, who was deemed too ald to live with a foster family, moved around the differnet facilities for child refugees: he lives in The Hague (Cromvliet), Scheveningen (Huis ten Vijver) and Oostelijke Handelskade 12 in Amsterdam. In May 1940 he was taken in by the boys orphange in Amsterdam.
In May 1942 Max moved away from there, and Meinhardt joined him on this address on the Kramatweg 28.
Their mother was Lea Wirth, born on 07.09.1898 in Perechinsko. Between December 21st, 1939 and March 1942 she was imprisoned in Ravensbrück, and in march 1942 she was taken to Bernburg Saale.
Their father Siegmund Schulim, was born on 14.02.1902 in Perechinsko and was taken to Sachsenhausen on 09.12.1939, here he died on 15.02.1940.
Last address in Germany: Duisburg, Charlottenstr. 64.

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