
About Abraham Bierman and his wife Rosa Rodrigues Pereira.

Rosa Rodrigues Pereira was a daughter of Aron van David Rodrigues Pereira. She was the eldest of the three daughters and born on 31 January 1880 in Amsterdam. Rosa married on 8 March 1905 in Amsterdam the diamond cutter Abraham Bierman, born on 20 April 1878 in Amsterdam as son of David Bierman and Naatje Duim. The couple had two children, namely David on 3 May 1907 and Rachel on 16 June 1911. Both children married and with their families they survived the Holocaust. However, Rosa and her husband Abraham were killed during the Shoah.

After the wedding, Abraham Bierman lived with his wife in the Blasiusstraat 17 1st floor in Amsterdam-East. In May 1930 the family moved to Henriette Ronnerplein 20 1st floor in Amsterdam-South, where they lived till September 1942, the moment that Abraham and his wife Rosa were called for the so-called “Arbeitseinsatz” (provision of additional work in Germany). On 6 September they were in Westerbork and already the next day, on 7 September deported to Auschwitz.

This transport departed from Westerbork with 930 deportees and arrived  in Auschwitz on 10 September 1942, after a stop in Kosel, located ±80 km west from Auschwitz, where 110 men between 15 and 50 years old had to leave the train, to be deployed in the labour camps in that region as forced labourers. Abraham Bierman and his wife Rosa however were transported onward to Auschwitz and on arrival there immediately killed in the gas chambers of Auschwitz-Birkenau.

Sources include the City Archive of Amsterdam, family registration card and archive card of Abraham Bierman; the file cabinet of the Jewish Council, registration cards of Abraham Bierman, Rosa Bierman-Rodrigues Pereira, David Bierman and Rachel van Wesel-Bierman and the Wikipedia list of jodentransporten vanuit

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