
About Abraham Meents and his family.

Abraham Meents, a son of Levie Meents and Rachel Hakker, married 26 May 1921  in Amsterdam Anna Barug, a daughter of Abraham Barug and Rachel Hakker. The couple had two daughters: Alexandra Rachel and Louise Kea.

After their marriage, they lived shortly at Tilanusstraat 77 but moved 5 November 1921 to Vrolikstraat 48 and one year later to Amstelkade 26. In 1925 another removal followed to Smaragdstraat 30 and 13 May 1931 they ended up at Saffierstraat 31 2nd floor in Amsterdam.

Abraham Meents runned a bed store with accessories but was also a diamond polisher by trade. He was taken to Westerbork, toghether with his wife Anna and his daughters Alexandra Rachel and Louise Kea on 12 June 1943 where they had to stay in barrack 63.

His daguther Alexandra Rachel worked as servant maid and shop assistant and according her registration card from the Jewish Council, "manager" at the food store of Messrs. Troeder at Krugerplein 3. Since 10 June 1943 she worked for the department of bread distribution. However, she was “gesperrt”, exempted from deportation because of “diamond”.

The registration cards from the Jewish Council of Abraham Meents, his wife Anna Barug and daughter Louise Kea did not make any mention of an exemption from deportation (“Sperre”). However, on the card of Abraham Meents were made notes between 16 June and 16 July which came down to escape deportation. Those annotations read:

Ask Asscher Tolstraat how far the matter of the person concerned has progressed, and: ask NAF (Nederlandse Arbeids Federatie) and ANDB statement of the concerned person of 23 June; This request was passed 1 July to the NAF who came back with their statement on t July. On 16 July it is still reported that the person concerned wrongfully does not appear on the list of those who were recalled for the diamond inderustry. Intervener at Blesgraeft. (H.M. Blesgraeft, treasurer ANDB).

All this was of no alvail. Abraham’s daughter Alexandra Rachel was already deported to Sobibor 6 July 1943 where she was killed on arrival 9 July 1943. Two weeks later, on 20 July Abraham Meents, his wife Anna Barug and his youngest daughter Louise Kea were put on transport to Sobibor and on arrival there on 23 July 1943 immediately killed too.

City Archive of Amsterdam,archive cards of Abraham Meents, Anna Barug and of Alexandra Rachel and Louise Kea Meents, and the file cabinet of the Jewish Council, registration cards of Abraham Meents, Anna Meents-Barug, Alexandra Rachel Meents and Louise Kea Meents.

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