
About Wolf Gaarkeuken and family

Wolf Gaarkeuken, born in Haarlem, was a son of Magiel Gaarkeuken and Grietje van Hessen. 14 October 1891 he married in Haarlen Marianne Keizer who was born in Leeuwarden as dauhter of Nathan Philip Keizer and Judik Izak Dwingersma. The couple had six children, namely Judik, Grietje, Roosje, Sara, Naatje and Machiel. Only Sara survived the Holocaust. All other children as well their parents were killed in de Shoah.

Wolf Gaarkeuken was born into a family with eleven children in total. However, three children were stillborn, in 1872, 1873 and 1875. A baby-son Izaak died in 1874, six months old. Two daughters, namely Roosje and Naatje and a son Marcus have died already before the war (resp. 1937, 1934 and 1926) and one son, Simon, died in Haarlem during the war. Three children Gaarkeuken were killed in the Shoah: Wolf self, his sister Elisabeth and brother Salomon.

Wolf Gaarkeuken was deported to Camp Westerbork 23 February 1943, together with his wife Marianne Keizer. They stayed in barack 55 till 2 March and both were put on transport then to Sobibor, where they were killed immediately upon arrival there 5 March 1943.

Website; the file cabinet of the Jewish Council, registration cards of Wolf Gaarkeuken, Marianne Gaarkeuken-Keizer, Sara Gaarkeuken and Grietje, Judik, Roosje, Naatje and Machiel Gaarkeuken.


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