
About Rachel Snijders, Izaak Meijer and their son Nico Joseph.

Rachel Snijders was a daughter of Joseph Snijders and Klaartje Bosboom. 26 July 1939 she married Izaak Meijer in Amsterdam, a son of Nathan Meijer and Mina van Thijn. In September 1940, the couple had a son: Nico Joseph. He was killed in the Shoah, just as his parents.

Rachel had two other sisters: her sister Vogelina was killed in the Shoah with her husband and two children. Her sister Celina and her husband presumably have survived the Holocaust.

Rachel Snijders, her husband Izaak Meijer and their little son Nico Joseph were registered in Camp Westerbork in the night of 19/20 July 1942. They stayed one week in this camp until they were deported to Auschwitz 27 July. Upon arrival there Rachel and Nico Joseph were killed immediately 29 July 1942. Her husband Izaak Meijer was killed there 13 August 1942.

City Archive of Amsterdam, archive cards of Joseph Snijders and Izaak Meijer; the file cabinet of the Jewish Council, registration cards of Izaak Meijer, Rachel Meijer-Snijders and Nico Joseph Meijer.

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