
About Werner Abernau's parents

Wilhelm Abramczyk, born 9 July 1864 at Potsdam, married Gertrud Arnheim in Berlin, who was born there on 22 October 1877. He was an attorney and worked at the District Court I (Landgericht I) in Berlin and has been appointed as magistrate in 1903. In 1901, Werner Abernau was born, however, it never has become clear whether Werner was an own child of Wilhelm and Gertrud or an adopted son.

Due to the discriminatory measures of the national socialists against Jewish lawyers in 1933, Wilhelm Abrahmczyk was severely limited in his work, if not entirely prevented in doing his job. His wife Gertrud then found a new source of revenu: together with her neighbour Rosa Phiebig, she runned Pension Phiebig, where most elder Jewish singles, widows and widowers stayed and were cared.

On 21 September 1942 the Abramczyk family had to fill in the so called assets declaration, which was the presage of deportation. They were brought to the former community center “Adas Jisroel in Berlin, which had to function in 1942 as transit camp and from there they have been deported to Theresienstadt on 3 October 1942.

Gertrud Arnheim committed suicide there on 30 October 1942 and Wilhelm Abramczyk lost his life there on 19 December 1942.

Source: abriged version of the biography of Wilhelm Abramczyk by Dr. Micaela Haas – see Stolpersteine in Berlin -

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