
About Wolf Peereboom

Wolf Peereboom was a son of Marcus Peereboom and Louisa Boas. He married 18 August 1915 in Zaandam Rosette Duitz, a daughter of Levie Duitz and Louise Zwaap. The couple had two children; one child died in 1917, only 4 months old. The other child has survived the Holocaust.

Wolf Peerebom was born into a family of seven children; one son died unmarried at age 29 in 1900. The others, among them he  self, Duifje, Levie, Margaretha, Jozef and Roosje, have been killed all during the Shoah.

City Archive of Amsterdam, archive card of Wolf Peereboom, family registration card of Marcus Peereboom and website