
About Werner Levie

Werner Levie was in Berlin at the head of the Reichsvereinigung jüdischer Kulturbünde, the umbrella organization of the compulsory unions for Jewish artists. Together with Kurt Singer, he led the Berlin Kulturbund. In the 1940s he fled to the Netherlands; since his birth he had the Dutch nationality. From 1941 he led the theater, the so-called Joodse Schouwburg, with Henriette Davids. He directed among others the ‘Nelson Revue’. He was deported and ended up in Bergen-Belsen. Although he witnessed the liberation of the camp, four weeks later he died of typhus.
Katja B. Zaich, "Ich bitte dringend um ein Happyend". Deutsche Bühnenkünstler im niederländischen Exil 1933-1945, (Frankfurt am Main, 2001), 237

In the beginning of April 1945 prisoners from concentration camp Bergen-Belsen were transferred to Theresienstadt. One of the three trains that were used for this transport, was liberated by the Red Army near the village Tröbitz. Many passengers died in the train. Many people still died after the liberation because of the prevailing typhus in Tröbitz. Werner Levie was one of them.
He is buried on the Jewish cemetery which is next to the public cemetery in the village of Tröbitz. The graves, with the heads turned away from the wall of the public cemetery, were numbered in three rows. Werner Levie is buried in the second row, grave number 28.
Before his deportation Werner Levie lived at the Watteaustraat 3 boven in Amsterdam.
Informatiebureau van het Nederlandse Rode Kruis. Opsporing Joodse personen, lijst van overledenen die in Tröbitz en omgeving ter aarde zijn besteld