
About Engelina Adriana Solser

Engelina Adriana Solser used Adrienne Solser as her stage name. She performed in variety shows and as a soprano and comedian at venues such as the Rembrandt Theater in Amsterdam, Scala in The Hague and Circus Schouwburg in Rotterdam. She also performed in Antwerp, Brussels and Ghent. She lived in Africa for a while.
Engelina Adriana Solser acted in several motion pictures, including “De Jantjes” (1922), “Amsterdam bij Nacht”(1924), “Het meisje met de blauwe hoed” (1934), “Het leven is niet zo kwaad” (1935) and “Ik fluit in de hoop dat jij zult komen” (1941).
She had leading role in the motion picture series “Kee en Janus” and “Bet”. She also directed three movies in this series.
Engelina Adriana Solser was a sister of Louis Johan Solser.

P. H. Honig (ed.), Acteurs- en Kleinkunstenaarslexicon. 3200 namen uit 100 jaar Nederlands toneel (Heino/Diepenveen 1984) 865