
About Abraham van Zuiden

Abraham van Zuiden was a son of Marcus van Zuiden and Martha Cohen. He married Klaartje Zadoks on 10 April 1913 in Enschede, a daughter of Simon Zadoks and Zoetje Elshof. He had with her the here mentioned children and another son Simon. He owned a bakery with lunchroom in Doetinchem. Klaartje Zadoks however passed away on 16 December 1924, 36 years of age and five years later, Abraham van Zuiden remarried on 3 November 1929 in Doetinchem Francisca Cohen, daughter of Isaak Cohen and Jeanetta de Winter. No more children have been born from this marriage.
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In addition, a Jokos file (number 13166) on this household is at the Amsterdam Municipal Archive. Access is subject to authorization from the Stichting Joods Maatschappelijk Werk.The Jokos file reveals that a claim was lodged for compensation for valuables surrendered to the Lippmann-Rosenthal looting bank (L-claim, number 13542/21261).

This person is commemorated on a memorial in Doetinchem. More information on this memorial can be found (in Dutch) on the website of the Nationaal Comité 4 en 5 mei.