
About Erich Max Rosenthal

Erich Max Rosenthal established a tapestry factory on the Nieuwe Markt 11a in Zwolle in 1933. The factory moved in March 1937 to Korte Kamperstraat 10/Jufferenwal 7.
In accordance with § 7 VO 48/1941 (Nazi regulation to remove Jews from the trade and industry) the company was placed under an administrator in February 1942. In December 1942 it was moved to Deventer, Groot Oeverstraat 83-85, under the name 'Fabriek van Dameshandwerken “De Adelaar”'.
Kamer van Koophandel Zwolle, inschrijvingsnummer 05323, dossiernummer Historische Centrum Overijssel 0166