
About Georg Borchardt

Georg Borchardt was a German writer, who was well known in Holland. He published the succesful novel : Jettchen Gebert (1931) which was put on stage as the popular operetta Wenn der Weisse Flieder wieder blüht. Under the pseudonym Georg Hermann he also published Unvorhanden Und Stumm, Doch Zu Menschen Noch Reden : Briefe Aus Dem Exil 1933-1941 An Seine Tochter (published by Laureen Nussbaum, 1991) and Eine Zeit Stirbt (1934).Georg immigrated in 1933 to the Netherlands. First he lived at Laren, later he moved to Hilversum. See for a biography of Georg the German version of Wikipedia.
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Little children in camp Westerbork called Georg Borchardt 'grandpa'. See for further information:
H. Wielek, De oorlog die Hitler won (Amsterdam 1947) 245

Georg Borchardt was the brother of the well-known archaeologist Ludwig Borchardt.
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In addition, a Jokos file (number 55589) on this household is at the Amsterdam Municipal Archive. Access is subject to authorization from the Stichting Joods Maatschappelijk Werk.