
About Ezechiël Frenkel

Ezechiël Frenkel was married and had two children. He was a teacher at the public business school in Amsterdam. In the war he stayed in Westerbork in barrack 85. During an air raid on Westerbork by allied forces in May 1944 he was hit and died. His wife survived the concentration camps. The two children fled the country and managed to enter Switserland.
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Ezechiël Frenkel was cremated on 31 May 1944 in Westerbork transit camp. The urn with his ashes was placed on the Jewish cemetry in Muiderberg.
Register van joden die in het kamp Westerbork zijn gecremeerd, 1943-1944; archief van de gemeente Westerbork, opgenomen in het archief van de gemeente Midden-Drenthe te Beilen, inv. n 3789