
About Rudolf Bloemgarten

Rudolf Bloemgarten studied medicine in Amsterdam. He had sat for his MA exam. He was involved in the student protest, including by aid to Jews. He took part in the attack on the Procurator-General Feitsma and in the bomb attack on the railway by Sloterdijk.

He was in communication with the Identity Card centre (PBC) led by Gerrit van der Veen. He was one of the participants to the attack on 27 March 1943 on the Amsterdam Municipal Register. Rudolf Bloemgarten was picked up on 13 April 1943 in Voorburg. During the trial held on 18 June 1943 in front of the SS- und Polizeigericht in the Colonial Institute in Amsterdam, he was one of the thirteen people condemned to death. On 1 July 1943, he was executed in Overveen, near Bloemendaal.
NIOD, Erelijst Verzet en Koopvaardij, database made by J.W. de Leeuw;
B. Braber, Zelfs als wij zullen verliezen. Joden in verzet en illegaliteit in Nederland 1940-1945 (Amsterdam, 1990) 123-125;
R. Fuks-Mansfeld (red.), Joden in Nederland in de twintigste eeuw. Een biografisch woordenboek (Utrecht 2007) 30