
About Géza Weisz

Géza Weisz, ‘whose looks alone suggested good cheer’, came from Germany to the Netherlands in 1933, He set up a Büro für internationale Pressekorrespondenz auf kulturellem Gebiet (international cultural press agency) and also worked as a performer on the Dutch stage. The ‘funny fatty' Weisz (Klöters) was part of Ping Pong, a cabaret group made up of German emigrants. He performed with this group at the Rika Hopper Theater in Amsterdam, and toured Switzerland with them in the 1930s. On that occasion, he is said to have remarked, ‘Funny, how much safer one feels behind the Swiss mountains than in the vicinity of the cow pastures that extend so disturbingly from the Dutch to the German landscape.’ He went into hiding, but was betrayed and captured.
J. Klöters, "Momente so, Momente so." Dora Gerson en het eerste emigrantencabaret "Ping Pong", in: K. Dittrich en H. Würzner, Nederland en het Duitse exil, 1933-1940. Achttien essays (Amsterdam, 1982), 222.
Katja B. Zaich, “Ich bitte dringend um ein Happyend.“ Deutsche Bühnenkünstler im niederländischen Exil 1933-1945, (Frankfurt am Main, 2001), 29, aldaar geciteerd uit Lale Andersen, Leben mit einem Lied, (Berlijn, 1974), 73.

Géza Weisz arrived in the Netherlands from Germany in 1933. He was a member of the Ping Pong emigrants cabaret. He performed with this company at the Rika Hopper Theater in The Hague. He also acted and translated a few plays and articles. Later on, he sold drama photographs. Between 1926 and 1931 he acted in a series of motion pictures in Germany.
He was with the Ping Pong Cabaret in the period 1932-1934, with the Nederlands Jeugdtoneel in the period 1934-1935, with the Verenigde Magische Spelers in the period 1934-1936, with the Ensemble Bouber in the period 1936-1937 and with Boubers Tooneel in the period 1937-1938. Géza Weisz went into hiding but was betrayed and caught.
Piet Hein Honig (ed.), Acteurs- en Kleinkunstenaarslexicon. 3200 namen uit 100 jaar Nederlands toneel (Heino/Diepenveen, 1984) 1023

For a list of filmproductions see the Internationa Movie Data base.

See for more information on Géza Weisz: Handbuch des deutschsprachigen Exiltheaters 1933-1945 band 2, Biographisches Lexikon der Theaterkünstler (München 1999) 1008-1009.