
About Philippus van de Rhoer

Philippus van de Rhoer was the son of Jacob van der Rhoer and Vogeltje Levi. The couple had nine children. The family first lived in Staphorst and later moved to Meppel. Philippus married his cousin Johanna Cohen. She died in 1920. Philippus then moved in with his late wife’s sister, Hinderina Cohen.
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Philippus van de Rhoer had two children: Vogelina and Simon. Vogelina died six days after her birth. Philippus van de Rhoer was a butcher, but did not work anymore at the beginning of the war. Before he went to live with his cousin, he lived on the Jan van Galenstraat 29 in Meppel. On 31 July 1942 Philippus van de Rhoer had to work in camp Vledder. From there he was brought to Westerbork at the end of September.
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This person is commemorated on a memorial in Meppel. More information on this memorial can be found (in Dutch) on the website of the Nationaal Comité 4 en 5 mei.