
Meijer Vrij and his family

Meijer Vrij was one of four children of the shammus 566050 and Saartje van der Hak. He was an office clerk with the company Wed. L.N. van Essen in the Hoofdstraat in Veenendaal. He was married to Veronica Kant (nickname Vem). They settled in the Prins Bernhardlaan in Veenendaal. Their son Hartog (nickname Harry) was born there. Meijer Vrij died from tuberculosis.

Veronica and her son Hartog went into hiding in Utrecht with the family Van Duuren. A son of this family worked for the resistance. He was betrayed in May 1944. A (non-Jewish) in-law of Veronica fetched her and Hartog from Utrecht and gave them a hiding place in his printing-works in Bussum. Some other people were hiding there, too. The location of the shelter was betrayed and Veronica and her son Hartog were deported.
M. Brink and D. van Kreveld, Geschiedenis van de Joodse gemeenschap in Stichts en Gelders Veenendaal (Veenendaal 2001) 261-262, 319